“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team # 1- Conflict Management


Client-Trainee Profile


·         Our trainees are college freshman who will be learning how to deal with different problems they might encounter while being at school.

·         The clients are the colleges that have asked us to come and give a training program to new students.

·         The trainees are college students. Our job is to give a training seminar on how to deal with conflict in college; be it with new roommates, student life, professors, or any other issues they will encounter.

·         The current education level of the college trainees will be high school; they are incoming freshman at the colleges.

·         The college students, we are assuming, will have little or no training in this area. They will not have been previously trained by us.

·         The ages of the trainees from college will be about 18 years old, unless there are older students transferring in as freshman.