“Quality Communication Consultations”

Consulting Team # 3 Report Form

Report # 3.


Team Name: Oral Perfection                                   Report Date:        9/15/09                                                                                                                                                      .


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:         One meeting during lab for 2-4 Tuesday, September 15.                                                                                          


Member Absences:                  None


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:  We met during our lab session, where we worked on rewriting our pitch paper, outlined our objectives as well as the sub-objectives to our training program. 


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:  Our plan of action for our future work is collecting questions we will be surveying people with soon. We will be figuring out who we will be surveying.



Our Assessment of Our Teamwork Quality and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):    Today we really delegated our workload and found it to be very effective.   We also discussed what topics we cannot discuss during our training program because they would be going outside our assigned topic. (We’ve been trying to steer clear of effective power point presentations).



Submitted by:  Maureen Soso