“Quality Communication Consultations”


KJKM Leadership Consultants

“Creating Leaders for the Future”



Preliminary Client-Trainee Profile


Who will attend our program?

            People who will be going into a leadership position in a company.


What “industry” do the trainees come from?

            Our trainees will come from a sales corporation.


Who will pay us to do this training?

            Payment will come from the corporation’s budget.


What kind of job(s) do the trainees do? What is their level of responsibility in the organization?

Trainees will be going into a supervisory position (office manager, branch manager, etc). Their responsibilities could include marketing, advertisement, sales, morale of employees, making sure work gets done, etc.


What is their education level? How much experience do they have in their current profession? In their current position?

Trainees will most likely have a Masters Degree. Experience will vary, but they will have most likely been with the company for at least 5 years.


What is their experience with your training topic/skills? With previous training on this topic?

Trainees will probably have a fairly minimal level of experience in leadership otherwise they would not need to come to our program.


What are their demographic characteristics that might matter to your training program’s content?

            Demographic characteristics do not play a role in our program as anyone can be a leader.


Why are trainees at your training program? What do they want or need to get from this program? What motivates them?

            Trainees are required to be at our program to gain the skills they need to be effective leaders in their company. Trainees should already have demonstrated leadership qualities so we will attempt to enhance their qualities with our program. Our trainees are motivated by a potential promotion, something that they will have a better chance of getting after taking part in our training program.