“Quality Communication Consultations”

Team 5

The AV Geeks


Team Work Contract

We, the members of AV Geeks, agree to abide by this contract as stated below:

We all possess leadership qualities and so we shall work together as leaders with tasks divided up based on our own individual strengths.

We will work together as a group to reach our ultimate goal of creating an effective training plan.

We believe that communication is key since we will be working independently as well as collectively.

We will meet once a week outside of class and lab times in order to complete the project.  Out of class meetings will take place Tuesdays at 8 in Derek's apartment in Cleland.

We will begin meetings with  progress reports from each of the members.  We will discuss any old business and also any conflicts, concerns or frustrations dealing with the group or a group member will be addressed.  The purpose of addressing this topic is not to gang up on the member in question, but instead to talk openly about the problem at hand in order to find a suitable solution.

If a member is not fulfilling their responsibilities even after discussing the issue 1st in a meeting with the group, the issue will be brought before Chet.

If any member of the team is going to be absent they are responsible for contacting the other members of the group either through email, by phone or by face to face conversation.  At least one member of the group needs to be informed prior to the meeting.  Valid absence excuses will be medical emergencies, family emergencies or any other excuses deemed legitimate by the team.


Audra Neubaum


Perry Mason


Derek Keist


Teresa Schryver