Organizational Communication

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last updated 9/5/2012
McGaan's Conclusions About Classical Organizations

  1. Classically managed organizations are tradition-bound, mechanistic and stable. Thus, they tend to be slow and inflexible
  2. In these organizations roles and rules are too inflexible for easy evolution, making it difficult for managers or others to bring about adjustments.  Thus, these organizations work best in stable rather than turbulent or rapidly changing environments.
  3. Vertical communication is very important and errors in up/down communication cause big problems.
    1. Especially common is lack of adequate upward communication to provide high-level (central office) decision-makers with adequate and accurate information for decisions.
  4. The heavy emphasis on downward communication and control of organizational members (as well as "deskilling" by scientific job design), causes lowered creativity and morale and can drive out quality people making rewards and punishments more important to compensate for this weakness.