COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Communication

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016


2nd Speech:  The Issues - A Speech to Inform

 (5-6 minutes)


The purpose of this speech is like the first; you should present good information to the audience in an interesting way.  However, for this speech you should focus on the key issues concerning your topic.  In other words, you are to describe, in a balanced way, points of disagreement and controversy concerning your topic.  This assignment emphasizes  microstructure.  Thus, in addition to those features emphasized  in the last speech (thesis, organization, attention, last thought, direct/conversational delivery), you should emphasize:


·         The quality and variety of support material you use,

·         Use of the 3 step process,

·         Citing sources orally.


Naturally, the delivery of your speech should be more confident and fluent this time.  [Speeches that are read word-for-word or sound like they are being read word-for-word will be severely penalized.]


Quality of support material refers to how effectively and clearly your support material illustrates the points you make. That is, do your facts, examples, stories, etc. really show what you say they do?  Can the audience understand clearly what the point of your support is (e.g. by using the 3 step proof process)?  Variety of support material refers to how many different types of support you use.  How well the audience understands and remembers your speech depends heavily on the quality of your support.  The variety of support influences how  interesting the speech is and how credible the audience  believes you are.   MOST IMPORTANT in this speech, do you have support material for each assertion you make?  Are your main and sub-points phrased as assertions?


For this speech you are  required to LABEL the type of support material you use in each instance of support on your outline!!


Speech 2 -- The issues  [Informative]

1.                   The goal of the second speech is to lay out the principle arguments or problems regarding your topic that are currently being discussed as important.

2.                   You want us to understand the nature of the controversy but you don't want to really try to persuade us that one side is right.  Ideally, this speech should lead toward or set up the audience for your 3rd speech which will attempt to persuade us.  Be fair to both sides of the controversy even those you disagree with.

3.                   Some ways to do that:

1.                   Topical issues (Pro - Con OR  multiple sides)

2.                   Topical problem OR problem/solution(s)




References Requirements (NOTE: You must include your references or "Works Cited" at the end of your outline.)
  1. You must have at least five sources for each speech.  At least FOUR of the sources must be materials available in print (even though you may have accessed them on-line).  ONE of the sources must be your overview source and it must be identified as such in the "Works Cited" section of your speech outline.  You may have and are encouraged to include more than five sources.
  2. References to the source material should always be cited using M.L.A. format unless I have given you permission to use a different format.


 last updated 3/31/2014