Name:  ___________________

COMM 101  Potential Speech Topics
Rank your top five choices in the blank provided.   For each topic you select below, write on the back a one sentence description of the Specific Issue you want to speak about.


_______  1.  Fighting Terrorism  ( PATRIOT Act, NSA Spying, Homeland Security effectiveness, civil rights issues, TSA )  [ circle one or write out another]  ____________________________________

_______  2.  Responses to "Inappropriate" Media  (parental controls, ratings, violence inciting movies, video games/ratings, FCC decency rules, minors and internet explicit sex sites, etc.) 

_______  3.  Gay Rights (Religious Freedom Protection Acts,  Hate crimes laws, etc.)

_______  4.  Drug law reform (e.g. medical marijuana, mandatory sentencing, decriminalization, legalization, treatment programs)     List a specific issue/drug _____________________________

_______  5.  Reproductive Technology or Reproductive Ethics  List a specific Issue _________________________

_______  6.  The 2nd Amendment ("Right to Bear Arms" - Gun Control)

_______  7.  Assisted Suicide

_______  8.  Election Reforms  (financing reforms, balloting systems, campaign advertising, registration procedures, voter ID laws, gerrymandering, electoral college, etc.)  [circle one or write out another]

_______  9.  Educational Reforms (Funding Reform, Teacher Evaluation, CORE Curriculum, School Choice / Charter Schools, etc._   List specific issue ___________________

_______  10.  Religion in Public Life (separation of church and state, Is there too much / too little religious  influence in politics?  Is government hostile to religion? etc.)    List specific issue ___________________

_______  11.  Responses to Climate Change.  List a specific issue __________________________

_______  12.  Other Environmental  Issues. List a specific issue __________________________

_______  13.  Trial / Jury Reform ( TV coverage of trials, jury selection/bias issues, sentencing discrimination, etc.)

_______  14.  Medical Care (ACA, costs, ethics, reforms. managed care problems),   [ circle one or write out another] 

_______  15.  Drug and/or Tobacco - abuse, prevention, and regulation, e-cigarette regulation,  [ circle your choice ]

_______  16.  Individual Privacy in the digital age (children, criminal backgrounds, sexting, identity theft)

_______  17.  Intercollegiate Athletics - Reforms.  List a specific issue ______________________________

_______  18.  Professional Sports - Reforms.  List a specific issue _________________________________

_______  19.  American foreign policy in relation to ??  ____________________________  List a specific topic

_______  20.  Crime and Punishment  (juvenile justice, death penalty reform, discriminatory sentencing, eye witness testimony, DNA evidence, over-incarceration, etc.)  ),   [circle one or write out another] 

_______  21.  Controlling Violence   ____________________________   List a specific topic

_______  22.  Jobs and Trade   ____________________________   List a specific topic

_______  23.  Other??   List a specific topic ____________________________