Practice Exercises 6
COMM 335 - McGaan

Label or create the grounds, claim and warrant for each of the following arguments. You may have to infer some parts of the argument. (Make your choice of warrant as general as you can for the example given.) Then label the type of warrant at work (e.g. sign, cause, analogy, etc.)

1. The scenes of mass graves, the tales of "ethnic cleansing," and the stories of calculated rape of Muslim women indicate that significant violations of human rights occurred in Bosnia.



2. If additional lighting has reduced crime on campus at Knox, it will do the same here.



3. Anyone who studies harder will improve his or her grades. That's why I think you should increase your study time be a significant amount.



4. John always seems to find a way to sit near Mary. I think he likes her.



5. I polled the students in my CATA 101 class and 12 out of 20 voted for Bush in 2004. I think this shows the President has the majority of the college age vote.



6. Research consistently shows that communication skills are the most important abilities in determining success on the job.



last updated 2/3/2007