Practice Exercises 9
COMM 335 - McGaan

In the following arguments you must identify or infer and write out the claim, grounds and warrant. Label the warrant by type (i.e. analogy, cause, definition, etc.). Then identify or invent an appropriate backing, qualifier, and reservation.

1. If we can reduce the amount of cocaine which enters the country illegally each month, the number of cocaine related deaths should decrease somewhat.





2. Hillary Clinton=s economic plan will reduce financial burdens on families and increase economic growth while allowing us to strengthen social security. That=s why I support her plan.






3. When a candidate starts using lots of negative campaign ads, it usually means he=s well behind in the polls.






4. The percentage of graduates who obtain a job in their field within six months of receiving their B.A. degree is a good measure of the quality of a college. Therefore, Monmouth is a very good college.






5. Both Joe Namath and Jim McMahon predicted their teams would win the Super Bowl and they did. Thus, it's smart to bet on a team whose quarterback predicts a victory.






last updated 9/15/2005