REQUIREMENTS OF A POLICY CASE A. The case must be TOPICAL [ and appear to meet solvency in a manner related to the topic - see below ] B. The case must SHOW SIGNIFICANCE (of both problem and benefits) (quantitative and/or qualitative) C. The case must prove a PROBLEM exists [ Stock Issue I. ] 1. harms of the status quo OR 2. failure to meet status quo goals OR 3. possibility to attain greater good D. The problem must be proven to be INHERENT
b. attitudinal inherency - deeply, permanently embedded attitudes in people prevent solving the problem E. The case must present a PLAN [ Stock Issue II. ] 1. agent / mechanism [who carries out the plan ] 2. mandates [what the plan is intended to do ] 3. function -- (intent, procedure, enforcement, funding) [ how the plan is to be carried out - the details ]
F. The plan must be WORKABLE. G. The case must prove benefits will accrue from the plan [ Stock Issue III. ] The plan must show SOLVENCY 1. the plan must meet need (PMN) OR 2. the plan must meet advantage (PMA) 3. the case may show additional benefits/advantage SUMMARY