Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

Description Syllabus Notes Assignments Homework Research

last updated 10/2/2008

  • Each debate group must select a general debate topic no later than 9/23.

  • The group will schedule a meeting with one of the professional staff members at the library.  All members will be expected to attend the meeting and the group will submit a short report on the meeting including meeting time and date, who attended, topics covered, most useful information learned , a brief description of the group's research strategy, plus any other material you deem relevant.

  • Following the meeting with the librarian, each member of the debate group must submit a preliminary annotated bibliography of resources on the debate topic by October 9.

    • This preliminary bibliography must contain at least five sources presented in correct MLA or APA format.  Each entry must be followed by a one or two sentence annotation.  At least five sources must be from scholarly books, journals or other "serious" publications.  Additional sources may include web site pages.

    • At least one of the sources must be identified as a potential "group overview source."  (An overview source is one which describes the topic broadly and is likely to contain history of the topic/controversy, some explanation of the status quo and a general outline of some of the following: current policy/procedures (status quo), key issues, conflicts, problems and/or proposed solutions.

    • Send your preliminary annotated bibliography by EMAIL to the instructor AND each of the other three members of your debate group by October 9.

  • I suggest group members divide up search strategies so that the preliminary bibliographies will "cover the whole territory."  For example, one person might search Academic Search Premiere, another might try Lexis-Nexis, a third might search government documents or discipline specific data-bases, etc.

  • The group will select one or more of the "group overview sources" that all group members will read (and inform the instructor).

  • Each team, affirmative and negative, will continue to research the topic while building their cases.  Remember, case building and case research go hand in hand.  Case building depends on seeking and identifying information needed to meet (or refute) the requirements of a policy case.

  • NOTE:  The "Brief," to be submitted following your debate, will include all evidence used in your debate with appropriate citations.  Keep accurate records/notes of your research!

    CQ Researcher, a data base from the Hewes Library, is a particularly useful resource for getting started on researching current event, controversial issues.  A good starting place for debaters and selecting debate topics.

    Bedford Manual Web Site on Citing Sources
    (This is the site created by the author of the writing and style manual you used in ILA and ENGL 110.)