Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016



The final exam will consist of two parts, a take-home essay and an in-class exam.  Nothing will appear on the test that is not listed below.


 PART I.  Prepare an essay before the exam period and turn it in with your in-class exam (or earlier if you wish).               [ Typed, double-spaced, 750 words maximum ]


Write a short essay that supports the following proposition.  "Resolved that:  The principles of argumentation should be studied by all college educated citizens." 


In preparing for this question, think of your answer as an Affirmative "case" written for an argumentation professor -- because it is!  Organize it in terms of signigicant inherent problems, plan and solvency.   ( You might want to consider the value of argumentation to individuals who will be involved in policy making in some fashion as well as the value of argumentation in improving the critical thinking skills of individuals. )



PART II.  The in-class portion of the exam will involve questions related to the following.


1.  Be able to identify and explain fallacies found in arguments you are given.   (notes, homework and handouts)   [You will be given the list of possible fallacies.]


2.  If given the name of a fallacy, be able to write an "argument" exemplifying it.  (notes and handout)


3.  Describe the four steps in good refutation/rebuttal form for either affirmative or negative debaters.   (handout)


4.  Define the following terms in a sentence or two:  warrant, presumption,  burden of proof,  prima facie case, harms, goal failures, structural inherency (both types: barrier and gap), attitudinal inherency,  workability, circumvention, minor repairs, counter-plan, solvency, disadvantages  |  [Know these fallacy definitions:]  red herring, ad hominem, ignorance, shifting grounds, hasty generalization, false cause (both types), false analogy, poisoned well, begging the question.

                 (notes and handouts)


Final Exam:  1pm, Friday, December 12


last updated 12/2/2008