Political Campaign Ads/Debates/Speeches


*The American Museum of the Moving Image has presidential campaign ads from 1952 to the present: http://www.ammi.org/livingroomcandidate/

*Stanford's Political Communication Lab has a "sourcebook" of the 2000 campaign with ads and media coverage: http://pcl.stanford.edu/campaigns/

*Transcripts and history of presidential debates can be found at the Commission on Presidential Debates: http://www.debates.org/

*C-Span probably was the most frequently suggested site for online information as well as resources for purchase. The range of materials they have is delightful: http://www.c-span.org

In addition, there are some faculty who have developed lists of lists to political resources of all types. See for example:

* Allan Loudin (Wake Forest)- Political Speech resources

* Michael Hogan's (PSU)  Political Campaign Course Resources

*In terms of materials for purchase or loan, the University of Oklahoma's Political Communication Center is the premier source for political ads, although it seems one cannot purchase materials from them, but may borrow them for a length of time for a fee: http://www.ou.edu/pccenter/

*The Educational Video Group may also have materials of use: http://www.evgonline.com

Compiled by
Jenny Stromer
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication, SS 347
University at Albany, SUNY
Albany, NY 12222


last updated 4/14/2010