Department Of Communication Studies

Monmouth College


Ms. Jane Doe, Internship Site Supervisor, Joseph Cata, Monmouth College Student Intern, and Dr. Lee McGaan, Monmouth College Faculty Sponsor agree to fulfill the requirements for the following course:


COMM 494 - Internship in Community Relations.



            This internship will allow Joseph COMM to utilize the knowledge and skills learned at Monmouth College as a COMM major with a Communication concentration and an English minor to develop an understanding of the role various forms and contexts of effective communication play in the career world of sales and marketing and, specifically, the tourism industry at both the state and local levels.  

              The internship will also allow Joe to assess his interest and readiness for a career in this area or a related area involving sales, marketing, community relations or personal communication.  It will permit him to become experienced in a professional communication work environment and improve his various communication skills bringing them to a level appropriate for a career as a communication professional.


Learning Goals -

     The goals of the internship include the following:


·        to provide an understanding of the basis of the tourism and sales professions, especially focusing on the marketing and networking aspects of Tourism Sales;

·        to develop awareness of the importance of communication skills and theory in creating public awareness for the Warren Convention and Visitor's Center;

·        to provide an opportunity for learning how the theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the major can be applied to a professional setting, especially theory and knowledge from persuasion, public relations and message design related classes.

·        to improve interpersonal communication skills that emphasize openness and consistency with the public in order to earn and retain credibility;

·        to further strengthen writing skills and experience new message forms as used in sales and marketing;

·        to develop advanced skills in using communication related software applications, including ACT, MS Publisher and Dreamweaver.

·        to have an opportunity to apply organizational skills to community relations projects.


Amount and Kind of Instruction: Training and instruction will be provided by   Ms. Jane Doe, Director of Tourism, and Alice Winbigler, Tourism Sales Manager of the Warren Convention and Visitor's Center. Instruction will be in the form of “on-the-job” training and will involve one-on-one supervision of Joe as he works on specific, assigned projects. This internship will begin on May 24 and run until at least the tenth of August, Monday through Friday from 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM.  Joe will complete and document at least 250 on-site hours.


Student Responsibilities during the Internship:

            During the first two weeks of the internship Joe will be working on the mailings for Prime Veal Days, the second largest project undertaken by the Welcome Center, second only to the Warren County Scenic Drive in October.  This project will not only require creating mail packets but will also involve Joe in developing press materials and designing specific event brochures.

            After the PV Days mailing is finished, Joe will begin working in the area of Tourism Sales. He will be assigned to coordinate the center’s welcome efforts for several specific groups that have set up tours and meetings in the area. In this capacity he will also responsible for assisting these groups throughout the planning of their event, helping make any and all requested arrangements and providing appropriate materials for the “Welcome to Warren” packets groups receive. This includes helping groups find lodging, restaurants, meeting places, and providing them with area guides and other materials as needed. After the event is finished, Joe will also be required to provide follow up calls to assess the trip was and to maintain these specific contacts.

             In addition Joe will also updating past business contact files. He will put together Tour Operator Packets (TOP) and send them to various tourism contacts. He will be learning to work with the Database program, ACT, which is widely used in the Tourism Industry.  After making new tourism industry contacts, Joe will send out these TOPs and add updated contact information into the ACT program for future use.

            Joe will also be required to serve as a Welcome to Warren Associate in the Welcome Center. This will provide him with the opportunity to work directly with the public when they come into the center for information. This will require her to learn about the different tourism sites in and around the Warren area, so he is able to help individuals find the information they need to plan their trips.


Progress Reports:  (forms and frequency):  Joe will …

·        Keep a log of his experiences in the internship - noting on a daily basis what activities and experiences are encountered and recording daily on-site hours,

·        Meet regularly with Prof. McGaan, Faculty Sponsor, submitting journal entries at those meetings during the following weeks:  the week of June 7, the week of July 5, the week of August 2 and the week of August 30 at times to be arranged.

  • Submit FINAL MATERIALS following the conclusion of the internship during the semester for which the student receives internship credit.  These materials shall include…
    •  “A Portfolio Internship Work” (i.e. written documents and reports, electronic products or other materials) the intern develops or assists in preparing during the course of the internship) at the end of the internship.
    • A self-evaluation of the internship reflecting on progress toward meeting internship objectives (at least 4-6 pages).
    • A one paragraph summary/abstract (in electronic form) of the internship experience for posting on the COMM web site.
    • A “Poster” submitted to the department describing the internship experience including:  Description of the internship site/supervisor, location and principal activities conducted there, Learning goals of the internship, Listing of the intern’s activities and experiences, and a Brief reflection on the value of the experience, photos.
    • A professional “press release” on the internship experience to be included with the final materials submitted.

·        Additionally, the COMM Internship Performance Evaluation Form will be submitted to the Faculty Sponsor by the Site Supervisor at Mid-term and at the end of the internship, with a copy provided to the internship coordinator.


Evaluation Methods:   At midterm (approximately July 12th) and at the end of the internship (approximately August 12th) the Faculty Sponsor will make on-site visits to the internship site to meet with the Site Supervisor for appraisal interviews.  Joe may be asked to present a discussion of his experiences to the department (faculty, majors, and minors) in a public presentation.  His grade will be determined by the Faculty Sponsor based on Site Supervisor Evaluations, submitted materials and personal discussions.


Credit:  3 semester hours, Term: Summer    Year: 201x



Agreed to:  By: _____________________________   Date:______________


                   And: _____________________________   Date: ______________


                   And: _____________________________   Date: ______________



cc.: (five copies)


Joe Cata,

401 W. Knox.St.

Wataga, IL 61488

MC Box #1404


Site Supervisor

Jane Doe, Director of Tourism

Warren Convention and Visitors Bureau

1263 E. Broadway

Monmouth, IL  61462


Faculty Sponsor:

Dr. Lee McGaan

COMM Internship:        


Dr. Lee McGaan

MC Registrar’s Office:

Jill Munson