“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    Interview Inc.                                                Report Date:   9-21-00                        



Meeting Dates:  9-20-00                                                                                                


Absences:           Pete Wislander, notified ahead of time (illness)                                                                                                




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

Team name was brought up and voted on we are now officially Interview Inc.

Discussion of clarity of company status/ are we a five year company and we just starting from the ground up.

Discussion of first paper that is due/ worked out a rough outline


Discussion of Team Work Process:

Group is working very well together

We are not afraid to ask for clarification if there is not a full understanding

We do feel some uneasiness right now because we don’t know our company status/ we plan on asking Chet Friday in class



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Some research will be done in the next few days

To meet with Prof. McGaan to discuss clarity of our company

We plan on meeting with McGaan no later than Monday so that by next Tuesday we can meet again and fill in the blanks on the rough outline we have



Submitted by:  _Jeff DeVena