MC Consulting

“Quality Communication Consultations”




Consulting Team Report Form


Team Name: L&R Inc.  Report Date: September 14,2000                         


Meeting Dates:  Monday September 11, 2000       Thursday September 7, 2000                                                                                                


Absences: none                         


Summary of Discussions / Work Done: For Thursday the bulk of our discussions dealt with what we were going to be working on as a team.  Monday was to be a little more productive because set out to organize each others individual work assignments.  Also on Monday we decided the narrowed basis for our project.  We decided that we were going to focus on training college students and faculty to successfully recruit local high school students using telemarketing techniques.


Discussion of Team Work Process: Everyone in the team seems to have a good grasp on what is expected from them.  We did not, however, discuss internal problem solving tactics.  Respect for one another in both the social and the business aspect seems to be something that everyone acknowledges.  We know we need to work together to be successful and I don’t see teamwork as being a big problem.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines: As a group we have not met with Chet to iron out our specific work assignments and our overall group goal.  When we do eventually meet with Chet I am sure I will have something to put in this section.


Submitted by:  _Mr. Clarence Hollingsworth Jr.