“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    Cabinet Club Consulting                                                      Report Date:                           



Meeting Dates:           September 19, September 20                                                                                       






Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

We changed the topic that we are going to use.  We have decided to train people on how to deal with conflict among first-line managers.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

We are going to refer to resources that can help us look for any information that can be used for conflict management in any kind of area just to get an idea of things we can do.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Call Chris McRoberts to see if he has any ideas or brochures that we could use as resources.  Also, check the office of the communications department to see if they have any books dealing with conflict management.  Finally, we are going to go to the library and check out the sample pitch that is on reserve there.




Submitted by:  Matthew J. Coultrip