“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    Group 4 (as of right now)                            Report Date: 09/13/00                          



Meeting Dates: Every Tuesday at 5:30pm in the library!                                                                                                 


Absences: Ken Spranger—he really did forget!                                                                                                         




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

~Right now we cannot not decide on a group name but we plan to have more ideas by the next meeting in order to get a catchy name.  We decide on a slogan though…”Customers come first”. 

~We decided on our focus point and depending on our outcome of our future work we hope to become more specific.  Our focus point it “Customer Service in Department Stores and dealing with customer complaints.”

~We through out on the table different resources that we have available.  The first being hands on experience and personal interviews with customer service managers.  Also, policy information from each store, web information and so much more that we will soon discover.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

~Kathy is getting customer service information from her mother in addition to Amanda getting some information from the Midwest Bank. 

~We realize the fact that we are going to focus more on finding out about our topic and then we will proceed with our best ideas of training on this matter.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

~Next Tuesday we are deciding on a good date for all of us to take a trip to Galesburg and do personal interviews with different store managers, for example, any department stores that have chains such as: Wal-Mart, Target, Staples, JC Penney, etc. 

~We are going to come up with 5 excellent questions so that we will get some significant information from them.  For example, one of the questions may be “Are there any incentives for extremely upset customers?”  We are hoping for answers with credit to customers, full money back guarantee, etc.

~We are also looking into making some brochures as well as training packets/folders for each trainee. 



Submitted by:  Tracy McKeown and Amanda Louck