“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:  Customers Come First                             


Report Date:  10/13/2000                        



Meeting Dates: 3:00pm Sunday and 6:00pm Tuesday.                                                                                                  


Absences:  Ken on Sunday due to illness.                                                                                                       





Summary of Discussions / Work Done:             (Use additional page if necessary)

All data has been collected which was used to write our pitch paper.  It will also be used in our pitch presentation that we presented on Friday.  The paper has come together very nice and by our grade Chet was impressed, enough to give us the go ahead.  We also finalized our pitch presentation.  All in all we had a very productive and successful week.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

      The paper was divided up giving a function to each person.  When we came together with everyone’s individual parts, the paper came together just the way it was anticipated.  Everyone contribution made our pitch presentation a success.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

      Analysis of the grade that we received on our paper and pitch in order to know what we need to improve on in order to produce the best customer service product that we can.  We have all decided what materials are needed for our next presentation.  Therefore we are all in pursuit of collecting those things.  We are going to meet every week and make sure we are staying on top of our duties, which will hopefully result in an all around better presentation and final paper.




Submitted by:  Ken Spranger