“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:        Team 4                                                  Report Date:                10-18-00



Meeting Dates: Tuesday’s at 5:30pm                                                                                                       


Absences: None                                                                                  




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                                            (Use additional page if necessary)

We have gone over our report and presentation and discussed our strengths and weaknesses.  We agree that we should have rehearsed it a little more although it was extremely hard to find a time when we could all meet together.  We have started to develop some “extras” for our training program.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

We believe that we did an awesome job on our presentation.  We feel that even though we could have practiced more, we feel that we knew what needed to be said in order to make “Chet” understand our product and how to sell it!  Kathy’s idea about nametags were great and Tracy’s dry erase board help make our points clear!



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Over fall break every member has been given an item to buy for our training program packet.  It is going to boost the importance of our training program.  We are also going to make worksheets for the trainees and give them a new and improved brochure as well as an evaluation of our training program in order to get some good feedback!




Submitted by:   Amanda Louck and Tracy McKeown