“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 2



Team Name: Beth, Jenny, Matt, & Craig                 Report Date: September 11, 2001                           



Meeting Dates This Week:  Monday, Tuesday                                                                                                   


Absences:  None                                                                                                            




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

We finalized our topic as being improving superior – subordinate communication.  Afterwards, we brainstormed a long list of possible session topics.  We were able to further divide our main topic into three subtopics – leadership, interpersonal communications, and team building.  Almost all of the concepts on our brainstorming lists fit into one of these three categories.  We are now discussing how many sessions we should divide these topics into.  We are also in the process of deciding on an appropriate team name.


Once we had decided on our subtopics, we easily found that each one of us had background knowledge on one of subjects.  Therefore, we each “adopted” a topic as our main focus and we will research that topic primarily, while also filling in the holes in the other members’ information. 


We also decided on our three Ws.  Our “who” is going to be all members of a particular corporation.  We may choose to divide a few sessions into groups based on position, but we feel it is important to have all members of a company learn to interact as equals on a certain level.  Our “what” is effective superior – subordinate communication.  We feel that it is crucial to a company’s success that all employees practice open communication on every level.  This would encourage trust among employees, as well as boost company morale overall – which is correlated to an increase in productivity.  Our “where” is any company in urban areas.  We have yet to define the size of the companies we plan to target. 



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Our group is meeting later this evening to research in the library and further discuss ideas for specific training sessions.  Our current goal is to decide upon the most appropriate session topics for our target audience.  We are going to spend the evening doing some basic research on a broad range of topics in order to choose our areas of focus.  Several of us also have plans to reference old professors and other campus professionals with experience in the subject matter.



Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

So far, we have been in lucky in being able to identify the strengths of our team.  For instance, each one of us has direct experience with at least one of our chosen focus areas.  One team member even has experience in developing training programs due to previous campus work in the area.  The team is very resourceful as well.  Everyone has offered input as to places to look for information and ideas to consider.


Our weakness may turn out to be that we may rely too heavily on personal experiences and knowledge over information found in the library or from other sources.  Another weakness is that although we have some knowledge of training programs, no one has experience in adult training programs.  We will probably have to do more research on developing training sessions for adults than on our actual training topics.




Submitted by:  Beth Tourek