“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report #  _1_



Team Name: EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)                                                       Report Date:  10-26-2001                   



Meeting Dates This Week: Tuesday, Oct. 23 (8:30 p.m.), Wednesday, Oct. 24 (8:30 p.m.), Thursday, Oct 25 (8:30 p.m.).


Absences:                NONE                                                                                            




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:     


Tuesday, Oct. 23 the team met to finish corrections on the product demonstration paper.  We successfully completed our objectives and elaborated on needs assessment.  However, we did not did complete the end of our selling strategy because we did not understand the professors comment, “Can you be clearer about the substance of our sales messages?” 


Wednesday, Oct. 24 the team met to begin brainstorming on the training modules.  We began listing as many ideas as possible in random order to go with each module.  We decided it best to use this approach in order to brainstorm and see the modules from a larger perspective.  We only accomplished expanding on the Saturday training program.


Thursday, Oct. 25 the team met and finished expanding on the Sunday modules.  It is important to note that the team has only been brainstorming these modules this week; we have been listing as many activities, programs as possible for each module because we will narrow our lists when we discover which activities are stronger than others. 


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


Tuesday, Oct. 23 we agreed to meet with the professor as a team during our meeting next Monday during 2-4 p.m.  We decided it is the best time as a team to be able to meet with the professor and help us understand the comment from above.  Also, we would like to meet with the professor to have him compare the old paper to the new one, and give us input or advice.  Basically, this team wants to make sure it’s on the right path.  We also agreed to meet the follow evening to begin expanding our training program.  We also agreed to meet at 8:30 p.m. the following evening.


Wednesday, Oct. 24 the team agreed to meet the following evening at 8:30 p.m. to finish expanding on the modules for the Sunday of our training program.  We also agreed to brainstorm some ideas individually to speed the progress of our work.


Thursday, Oct. 25 the team agreed to meet on the following Monday at 2:00 p.m.  We have also agreed to collaborate with the professor and have him compare the new and old analysis, give us input on the training modules, etc.


Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

The teams’ strengths are as follows:  each individual member continues to work well with one another by listening to each others’ needs, ideas.    Each member is still taking her job seriously.  We believe there is a certain level of trust that has been established in our team, which makes working together pleasant.


Our weaknesses are as follows: staying motivated and focused to complete our tasks.   




Submitted by:  _____________EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)______________________