“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report #  _7_



Team Name: EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)                                                       Report Date:       11-2-2001                   



Meeting Dates This Week: Monday, Oct. 29 (2-4 p.m.), Thursday, Nov. 1 (7 p.m.)


Absences:                NONE                                                                                           




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

Monday, Oct. 29 the team met to accomplish work.  We added the section we did not understand last week to the end of “selling strategy” in our paper.  We listed several highlights or slogans that will attract women to our training program.  These slogans will appear on our brochure.  We also worked on expanding the modules of our training program.  We began discussing certain forms or activities that will be included in the appendix section of our final paper.  We strengthen the brochure and program outline by rearranging it into a proper order.  We also developed a “Tell us what you think” evaluation form, which consists of six questions to test their knowledge, and constructive feedback for ourselves.  We also added three sources to the bibliography for activities we use in the program.


Thursday, Nov. 1 the team met and corrected two sections of the paper (based on the professors advise).  The parts revised are at the end of Section B/ Evidence, support and at the end of our selling strategy.  The team failed previously to pin point what Chet wants to hear.  We also expanded on the modules for the rest of the time we met.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Thursday, Nov. 1 each individual agreed to work on the modules independently and to share their ideas with the team during the next meeting on Monday, Nov. 5.  We also plan to finish the modules next week in order to use the week after that for preparing our training program presentation. 


Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

Our strengths are as follows: being able to work well with one another and taking our work seriously.


Our weaknesses are as follows: motivating ourselves.


Submitted by:  _____________EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)______________________