“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 4



Team Name: Team 3                                               Report Date: September 28, 2001


Meeting Dates This Week: We met on Monday 9/24 during lab; Tuesday 9/25; Wednesday 9/26; and Thursday 9/27.


Absences: None.



Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

            This week we worked on our pitch and paperwork. For the pitch we designed the power point presentation. We outlined the program for Chet (to give to him during presentation). We also made an agenda for the program that will be updated and improved upon as we work through everything and get feedback. We got a good start on our paper. Most of it was done, but with the extension, it will be re-done and bettered. We also rehearsed our presentation for Monday.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

            Our biggest assignment is to get ready for our sales pitch. We have to build our confidence, know our stuff, and completely prepare ourselves for anything that comes our way. We also have set times to meet and finish our paper. These two projects are the two biggest humps we have to get over this next week and that’s going to be taking the bulk of our time.


Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

            We have been very strong this week in regards to our teamwork. We work together very well and accomplish quite a bit when we are together. We goof off sometimes and get off track but we are quick to return to work. Procrastination is an issue that we are working on within our group. We have been putting off a great deal of our work and now its coming back to hurt us. We, as a group, have decided that we cannot procrastinate anymore. This class/job needs to be a priority and we realize that now. We’re getting our acts together and keeping on top of things. Even though we have procrastinated, we are ready for Monday. As a team we are prepared, individually we are slightly lacking, but that will change. We do have confidence and we know we will succeed.


Submitted by: Katie Mirsky