KALL Consulting

A Division of MC Consulting


Training Product Description

“The Three W’s”



Who:  Our teambuilding programs will best serve start-up businesses, and small companies.  Our research shows that a major complaint of many employees that have completed teambuilding programs is that the program was not effective because management was not a part of the experience.  Therefore, management is unable to integrate the concepts learned at the training.  For this reason, our program will mainly focus on management teams so that they are able to bring back the concepts that they have learned and produce a “trickle-down effect” for their staff.  In turn, the small, cost-effective training for management will improve the entire company when management is able to provide a better atmosphere for teams to work in.



What:  The thrust of our program is building effective teams amongst management staff.  Specifically, our teambuilding program will focus on identifying small group roles, leadership styles, an activity matrix, goal-setting, and SWOT analysis of the team itself.  These activities will prove beneficial because as management becomes a stronger team, it will reflect on the company as a whole.   



Where: This program will find clients in major cities in the United States.  Specifically, the program would be most successfully marketed in the Chicago land area or other populous cities with multiple small firms.  Of course, the program will be flexible enough to adapt to each small company’s varying needs.



Katie Stitt

Autumn McGee

Lela French

Laura Haumiller