MC Consulting

Quality Training and Advice



Team 2- SEM Conflict Management
Client Profile


Steve Crabtree

Evan Constantinides

Matt Troha


   In looking at our potential clientele, we will be looking at the majority being undergraduate and graduate students.  There will be the rare occasion that we will have a professional member of the university or college, but approximately ninety-five percent should be college students. The trainees will all be members of their perspective college

or universities Residence Life Staff. They will be directly involved in the lives of the residents that are living under their responsibility. All will be high school graduates and have at least one year of college experience. Some will have had prior experience in their jobs, even professional experience dealing with Residential Life, but there are going to be a lot of trainees that are doing this sort of work for the first time in their lives. The trainees that have previous job experience in Residential life will have undoubtedly gone through some kind of training in the past. Most of the trainees will be of typical college age, that being 19-22. There will of course be outliers, but the majority should be within this age group. We will be looking at both genders, depending on the population of the college or university. Another demographic characteristic is that at many schools, there is a certain required minimum grade point average, so we are guessing that we are probably going to be training people of a slightly higher intellect. Also, we would have to look at the location of the school geographically and consider any variances that geography and culture might offer. The vast majority will come to our training program because it will be part of their overall training to prepare them for their jobs in Residence Life. We feel that everyone should walk away from this program with a better understanding on how to deal with and resolve conflicts within a residential life setting. This is a very important part of their job, something that most likely they will encounter on more than one occasion and it is important that they know what to do and how to handle not only themselves, but the situation overall.