The Chetinators

Sean, Sam, Missy, & Emily

Org. Comm.



Client Profile


            Our trainees come from business industries where employees work together to collectively decide outcomes.  The jobs of the trainees are ones in which people must work together; therefore they must have good conflict management skills.  People working in advertising, management positions, and board members would benefit the most from our training program.  These employees are most likely to have high levels of responsibility in their companies.  Their previous training experience would include job training and perhaps training in basic communication skills. The employees will at least have an undergraduate degree because they presumably are working for a business corporation.  Their experience at their current job varies, because our training is intended for employees who would benefit from our training, no matter the length of their employment.  Since trainees will at least have their college degree, they will most likely be age 23 or older.  Our training is intended for both genders and people of middle or high socioeconomic status.  The trainees will be required to be at our program because their company has hired us to better their conflict management skills among employees. At the end of our program trainees should be able to better mediate conversation, use conflict management skills to more efficiently make decisions, and create a more supportive climate among employees.