“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # __ Report Form

Report # 2



Team Name: Chetinators                                                 Report Date: 9/17/04                          



Meeting Dates Since Last Report:  Thursday September 16th and Friday September 17th                                                                                                    


Absences:  None, Missy was late though                                 


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

We worked on our needs assessment and our product pitch.  We discussed who was interviewing who for the needs assessment.




Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:  We are taking turns typing up the reports and doing the team weekly report.  And we are all going to get our interviews completed by Tuesday.




Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):  We tend to get a little off task, but we manage to get the work done.  In addition, Missy has been having problems with being late, but she is working on it.  We all work together to come up with the outcome. 



Submitted by:  _Missy McCrimmon_