Group #2

Team Contract

Our meetings will be held:

            Every Monday @ 2 pm in Bowers first floor lounge or computer lab

            Tuesday afternoons during Lab time

            Every Wednesday @ 6:30 pm in Bowers (if necessary)


Members are to be present at every meeting.  If they cannot attend, they are to notify another member of the group who will report it at the meeting.


Crystal Lang, team liaison, will make sure every member gets a copy of the weekly progress report.  At the end of the meetings on Mondays, everyone will give Crystal a list of things they did for the project, she will compile them and we will all review it.  Revisions will be made as needed.


Everyone will be expected to complete their assigned task by the deadline given (if any).  We will all review the assigned tasks at each meeting and make sure all of the tasks are being completed. 


If someone cannot finish their assignment, they should notify the whole group at least 2 days before it is due.  They will turn in whatever information they have compiled and the rest of the group will then get together to complete that assignment.  Chet Amagan will also be notified of this.


If someone is repeatedly not completing their tasks, they will be subject to termination from the group.


Any questions that the group as a whole cannot answer will be turned over to Chet Amagan for further analysis.


Group members need to be aware that we are doing this in a competitive environment and we need to set all personal issues aside to complete the task at the best of our ability.


If failures or errors occur, it is no specific group member’s fault.  Everyone is in this together and we will all correct things together.



By signing this you agree to the above terms and conditions:





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