Team Work Contract

Keli, Kelsey, Laura, Erin

Team 1: Business Writing


Erin will be the semi-formal leader of the team and the liaison to Chet Amagan. Her duties and responsibilities include:

1.      Completing weekly reports and submitting them to Chet before the deadlines.

2.      Keeping the team focused and on track at meetings.

3.      Reminding team members of duties and enforcing deadlines and team member responsibilities.

Each member must have her work completed and ready to share by all deadlines. Every member must be professional and ready to work at each meeting. All personal matters must not influence the team’s overall behavior and attitude.

Extra weekly meetings will be arranged as needed. These times will be discussed at the weekly mandatory lab meetings on Tuesdays. Attendance at lab meetings and Thursday night meetings are mandatory. Excuses that are permitted include:

1.      Family emergencies

2.      Conflicting prescheduled meetings

3.      Illness

If a member is going to miss a meeting, she must notify one other group member through email or phone. In the occurrence a member has to miss a meeting, she is required to get all her reports to another team member before the date of the to be missed meeting. Any missed meetings will constitute expectations of finding out what occurred at the meeting and knowing what is now required of them.

When problems arise in the group, the problems will be discussed and handled appropriately. Talking about the issues at hand and attempting to solve them as a group will resolve disagreements.

A team member will be not immediately be terminated from the team. There will be one and only one warning that will include a team intervention with all members present. Constructive criticism will be used at all times. The process of removing a team member will be completed with the assistance of Dr. McGaan. A member may be removed from the team if:

1.      More than 3 meetings are missed

2.      More than 2 deadlines are missed

3.   The team member is not doing her share of the work