E.L.K.K. Consulting

CATA 333 Lab

Professor McGaan



The Three W’s


Who-  Our consulting team will focus on educating upper-level management on how to write effective memos, letters, and e-mails.  In turn, upper-level management will be better able to relay messages to their employees via these mediums.


What- Our training program will teach members of management how to communicate with other people in the company via memos, letters, and e-mails.  Our consulting team will teach members of management to write the aforementioned messages accurately in order to convey them clearly.  In addition, we will teach management how to correctly format messages in word processors, how to use professional and business-like writing, and educate them on the importance of using correct spelling and grammar.  Also, we will teach them about the business writing checklist, the seven C’s, and Blooms Taxonomy and show them how to apply them in the daily business writing that they perform for their company.


Where- Our consulting team will focus on educating upper levels of management in large corporations as well as industries with large chains of command.  We will find our clients through various modes of advertising such as in magazines, on the Monmouth College Consulting homepage (MCC), and in newspapers which circulate throughout the United States and worldwide.


Keli, Kelsey, Erin, Laura