Client Profile


Team #2 - P.S.I. 

Problem Solving Incorporated


            We are on a mission to resolve conflict within organizations and help the supervisors minimize conflict in their work environment. Supervisors will attend our training because the program will enhance their problem-solving skills. These supervisors will come from small departments and small organizations in the United States.

            These supervisors are required to come to our training program to improve, refresh and gain management skills in the areas of conflict. As trainees from different companies they will be of different backgrounds and ethnicities. Our trainees will range in age from late 20’s to early 50’s. With Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, the participants are well-trained in their specific areas of business.

            As their main occupation, these managers supervise employees to get goals accomplished and report all activity to the CEO’s and heads of the companies they work for. With a high responsibility to resolve conflicts, these supervisors are seeking new and innovative ways to “keep the peace” in the workplace.

As supervisors working for CEO’s and above employees, these trainees will be taught how to resolve tensions among all workers and keep the main goal of the company first. Trainees will walk away from this program better equipped to solve problems while minimizing conflict in a group oriented atmosphere.