

“Problem Solving Incorporated”


Training Program Objectives


At the end of our training program, our trainees will be able to....


·                    Explain why conflict arises in the workplace

·                    Distinguish between positive conflict and negative conflict

·                    Understand that conflict is a healthy and natural occurrence in the work environment

·                    Identify effective strategies for a proactive approach to handling conflict.

·                    Identify managing emotional responses to conflict

·                    Provide 4-step approach to understanding the nature and source of conflict

·                    Will be able to demonstrate self-confidence, especially in emotional situations involving conflict

·                    Help trainees manage conflict in a professional and effective manner

·                    Will be able to improve the work place in terms of communication, productivity, and overall efficiency.

·                    Apply their new conflict management skills in a real-life work experience

·                    Pass down their conflict management skills to their subordinates.