“Quality Communication Consultations”


Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 2



Team Name:     Mad Hatters                          Report Date:  2-3-06                        



Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:

  1. Lab Tuesday Jan. 31st at 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  2. Meeting on Feb. 2nd in the library at 10:00 p.m.                                                                                                


Member Absences:  Lab – John                                                                                                                                                                             


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

            In lab, we worked on the given assignments for week three.  We were able to brainstorm some ideas for the introduction.  We also worked on the market potential and found ways that we are going to be selling our training.  We drew up rough drafts of each of these parts of the paper and turned them into McGaan for approval for a rough draft.  We assigned Ashleigh to look up previous year’s introduction and market potentials and try to create a final copy similar to their technique.  Lastly, we were able to compile some questions that we will be using to give to potential clients of our program.   The interview questions will help us develop our needs analysis.  Rachel showed McGaan our rough draft and we were approved to make our survey. 

            Tuesday’s meeting was short.  Each of us was assigned a website to visit and compile information that we could use later in our presentation and sales pitch.  We showed each other our findings and noted some key elements of our website that would be beneficial to our cause.  This took nearly 30 minutes.  After this, we read the draft Ashleigh made and approved it to be turned in to McGaan.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

            Matt is going to go to the Career Cent on Campus to obtain information

            Rachel is going to print off our surveys that will be handed out to potential clients.

            John is going to email his dad and see if he has any information.

            Ashleigh is going to email Matt the final copy of Lab 3 assignment.

            Everyone is going to hand out their 10 survey’s by next Tuesday so we can begin our       needs analysis.


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

            Our team is working very well together.  We created an email list that everyone could use to keep each other informed with the information.  Everything is running smoothly and we feel that we should be doing more, but we are following the lab schedule and should find out more information later.  We will probably begin putting this together in the next lab.  Everyone is anxious to get started. 


Submitted by:  ___Matthew Dabbs________