“Quality Communication Consultations”


Chet’s Mad Hatters

Team Contract


Matt will be the leader of our team and liaison to Chet Amagan.  His duties and responsibilities are…

1.                  Write weekly reports and submitting them to Chet on time.

2.                  Email team members and email projects to Chet.

3.                  Keeping team focused and on track at meetings.

4.                  Reminding team members of duties and enforcing deadlines and responsibilities.

Our team will make decisions collectively. The team will discuss an issue until a consensus is reached.

Team members will meet every Tuesday in lab and attempt to use the entire lab time. Extra meetings will be scheduled on a need-basis. They will be held Tuesday from 8 to 9 pm in Trotter Lab.

The last ten minutes of each meeting will be devoted to conclude the meeting by discussing future agendas and assignments. We will also take this time to clear up any misunderstandings and answer any questions.

Team members will be expected to perform assigned tasks on time. They will also be expected to perform at their highest level of ability to accomplish high quality work.

If a team member is not performing to their highest level the team members will consult each other and the team leader, Matt, will address the “struggling” team member. The leader will express team’s concerns and work with that member to achieve better results.  If the team member refuses to cooperate and work for betterment of the team than the team will meet collectively with Chet Amagan to come to a solution.

If a team member will not be able to attend any meeting that member is responsible for informing the team leader, Matt, who will then inform all the other team members via email.  The member missing is also required to pass along any information and materials prior to that meeting.  Excessive absences or failure to meet the previously mentioned responsibility will be addressed by the team leader and then by Chet Amagan.

Valid excuses for missing a meeting include illness, athletics, family affairs, or work. Other excuses will be addressed by the team and judged as excusable or inexcusable. Two or more inexcusable absences will lead to termination from the team.


Signed…..January 27, 2006