MC Consulting

Team 4 - Sex Panther Consulting

“We Work Better As a Team”


Product Development Team Contract


A.)Nick Gorogianis will be the group’s formal leader and thus the liaison to Chet         Amagen.  His responsibilities will include the following:


-         Organizing weekly meetings

-         Keeping team members on task

-         Writing and submitting weekly reports to Mr. Amagan


B.) Members individually or collectively are expected to bring any conflict or complaint to the team’s attention.  Any conflict within the group will be resolved collectively as a group.  In the case that a disagreement can not be resolved, a majority vote will be implemented.  


C.) In the event that a member of the team performs inadequately, he/she will be warned once.  In the event that the lack of effort continues, the member’s existence will be put to a majority vote. 


D.) It is the responsibility of each individual member to notify the group for any reason necessary.  If a member needs to be absent from a meeting, he/she is expected to contact Formal Leader Nick Gorogianis by either telephone or email.  Valid excuses will be determined by the group at the time of a group member’s absence.

                        -Valid excuses include illness, athletics, family affairs, work, and

                          any other excuses deemed valid by the team.


E.) Two unexcused absences will result in the termination of the problem member.  Also, failure to perform adequately on a consistent basis will result in termination from the group.     


We here do all agree upon the above matters and agree to face any consequences that will result in the failure to do so.



Nick Gorogianis, Group Liaison


Jon Gorzkowski


Dan Campione


Chris Inniss


Bruce Needham