“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team Contract: BHORN Again.

·        Haley is the team leader.  Her duties include keeping track of the group’s assignment and making sure they are turned in.  She will also enforce and remind the team members of the due dates.  If necessary, she will contact Chet of any problems.

·        The group will give every member a chance to speak their mind and also encourage each other to participate in all group meetings.  Every member will give validation to other members to maintain open communication.

·        Group members will attempt to make it to every lab and also 8:00 PM meetings on Tuesday’s in the basement of the library as needed.

·        Group decisions will be discussed as long as needed between all the members. If we come to a disagreement, we will resort to a majority vote. 

·         The team members have exchanged telephone numbers and emails in order to communicate outside of lab or class.  This will help members contact the leader and each other when they cannot make it to a meeting or lab. Also, it will help when the leader needs to schedule emergency meetings or cancel future ones. 

·        If a group member is not showing up and/or pulling their weight, we will confront that person, and if that fails, Chet will be contacted!

·        If one is either unprepared or absent EVER, one must prepare a dish for the entire group for the next meeting/lab.

·        Team members are expected to work to their highest potential no matter what.

·        At the end of each meeting or lab we will devote five to ten minutes to review what we have accomplished and to assign things for the next time we meet as a group.  This is also the time we will go over future due dates and other important issues in the group.

