“Quality Communication Consultations”


 “The Grenade Free Foundation.”

Team Contract


·        Joe Kay will be the semi-formal leader of the team and liaison to Chet Amagan.  His duties and responsibilities include

o   Writing weekly reports and submitting them to Chet on time.

o   Emailing group members about responsibilities, obligations, upcoming meetings as well as keeping the team focused and on track at meetings.

o   Enforcing deadlines and delegating tasks.

·        The team will make all decisions collectively and will discuss issues until a consensus is reached. In cases when a disagreement cannot be overcome, either a compromise will be made or a majority vote will be held.

·        Team members will meet every Tuesday from 2:00PM until 4:00PM (lab time) and will try their best to use the entire lab time each week.  Extra weekly meetings will be scheduled on a need-basis; Joe will arrange and email the group regarding extra meetings.

·        The last ten minutes of each meeting will be devoted to recapping the main ideas of the meeting and setting up goals and plans for the next meeting.

·        Team members will be expected to perform assigned tasks on time. They will also be expected to perform at their highest ability to accomplish the best work possible.

·        If a team member is not performing to the group’s expectations, then the whole team will meet and discuss the issue(s) with the “struggling” member to ensure that everyone is on the same and that the benefit of the group is in mind. If the team member refuses to cooperate and work for the benefit of the team or in some other way fails to accomplish necessary goals, the team will collectively meet with Chet Amagan to reach an acceptable solution.

·        If a team member will not be able to attend any meeting, he/she is responsible for informing all of his/her teammates via email or phone PRIOR to the meeting. If he/she is responsible for bringing materials, information, etc., then he/she will still be responsible for passing the materials along to another group member before the scheduled meeting. Excessive absences or failure to meet the previously mentioned responsibilities will be addressed by the team and possibly Chet Amagan.

·        Valid excuses for absences include illnesses, athletics, family emergencies, other classes and work. Other excuses will be discussed by the team and judged as either excusable or inexcusable. Two or more inexcusable absences will lead to a team meeting with Chet Amagan about possible termination from the group.





Joe Kay                                                                      Pat McNeil


Kevin R. Ross                                                            Evan A. Banks