“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # _1_ Report Form

Report #2


Team Name:                  Elite Consulting                            Report Date:  09/14/07                        


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: 09/11/07                                                                                  


Member Absences: Sarah Kisner                                                                                                                                                              


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

Elite Consulting has introduced themselves to Chet!

Elite Consulting begin discussion on the product pitch paper.

1.      We created an outline of the first two sections of the pitch paper.

2.      While we created the important outline we created new sections that our group wanted to discuss and research.

3.      We finished our beginning outline and emailed it to the Professor.

Elite Consulting then began discussion on future assignments.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Apryl is going to type up the Pitch Paper Outline and email it. This is due Friday.

Each group member is going to come up with two interview questions protaining to their section of the Pitch Paper. They are to send these questions to Felicia by Thursday night.

     Felicia is then going to create an interview guide for the group by Friday.

The group needs to construct a time to meet with Prof. McGaan.

After the interview guide is reviewed by Prof. McGaan, each member has to interview a potential client by the next lab.

Each group member needs to begin research on their new section by Tuesday.

   Jen and Gianna- How to analyze, how to interact with an audience

   Apryl- overcoming the fear

   Sarah- Anatomy of Presentation( introductions, transitions, conclusions)

   Felicia- Visual Aids


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

Strengths: Stayed on task, the group impressed Chet by dressing up and asking questions. All members turned in their assignments. The group made improvements to their beginning work.

Weaknesses: Still have the problem of meeting outside of class.


Submitted by:  _______Felicia Roberts____________________________