“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # _1_ Report Form

Report #4


Team Name:                  Elite Consulting                 Report Date: September 27th, 2007                           


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: September 27th, 2007- 2pm


Member Absences: None                                                                                                                                                                                  


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:


Elite Consulting began discussion on putting together a product pitch.

Elite Consulting broke up into groups to start the process of the oral and written presentations.

The Program Outline was worked on by Felicia and Sarah.

The Written Presentation was worked on by Jen.

The PowerPoint Presentation was worked on by Gianna and Apryl.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

The members of Elite Consulting are asked to send their bibliography of information to Jen viva email.


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


Elite Consulting is working very well together, keeping good pace on project, and are able to divide work up evenly.

Elite Consulting is still unable to meet as often due to conflicting schedules.


Submitted by:  __Felicia Roberts________________________________