MC Consulting

The Firm

Group Contract


On the issue of teamwork and ideas all members of the group are responsible for putting in equal effort and input.  When decisions are not unanimous we will go with the majority of the group in order to make things fair.  Work will be divided among group members according to interest and ability.  All members are required to get their work done before each deadline, whether that is in class or on their own time.  Group members can work individually and we will make adjustments to the contract if we see any problems with Autonomy.  Kendra is the team liaison and will be responsible for making sure team reports are turned in on time. 



If there are any problems within the group we will address them to each other.  If it is something serious and can not be dealt with among members we will bring it to the attention of Chet.  Disagreements may arise within the group on issues such as different ideas, performance, participation, and problems may occur due to different personality types.  When disagreements arise we will handle them by discussion and then go with the majority of the five members.  We will be able to tell when there is some hostility and difference within the group and our goal is to settle all problems as quickly and effectively as possible. 



If there is a problem with a member of the group performing inadequately with quality or quantity we will discuss it among members.  While discussing we will determine if the member is giving 100% of their effort.  If the members is giving their best we will find a better way to divide up our work and next time try giving them something they are confident in.  In the case of lack of quantity or quality due to effort we will warn them once and then bring it to the attention of Chet. 



The number one way our group will keep in touch will be by email.  We will email each group member about time and location of our meetings.  If we need to get a hold of a member immediately our second option of communication is by cell phone. 



In the case of missing a meeting or a lab excused absents will be decided by the members of the group.  Things such as sickness, athletic events, special family events at home, and family problems will be understandable.  The member will have to bring these previous engagements to the attention of the group prior to the day of absence, unless it is unexpected.


Cases for removal

After a member has been warned on their quality and quantity due to lack of effort the member will be warned.  If it occurs again the member will be removed from the group.





Member Signatures















