“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # _1_ Report Form

Report # 4,5,6 .



Team Name: _Action Training Inc.___________    Report Date:  October 31, 2008                                                                                                                                                       .


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: September 23, 2008/2:00 pm, September 30, 2008/2:45 pm, October 5, 2008/3:00 pm, October 21, 2008/2:00 pm, October 28, 2008/2:00 pm.


Member Absences: October 21, 2008 did have 2 absences within the Action Training Incorporated Group.  Liaison DeMarkco Butler was missing due to a Pre-Law Trip he was attending, and President Alissa Diffenderfer was not in attendance due to an obligation within her Sorority on the Monmouth College Campus.                                                                                                                                                                                       


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done: 

-       September 23, 2008 was the 7th day we met as a group.  This is when the group started to work directly on the assignments that are preparing us for the presentation to Mr. Chet Amagaan.  We all started to brainstorm exactly how we wanted to organize our presentation both orally and in written format. 

-       September 28, 2008 was the 8th day we met as a group.  Here we chose to work on our “PITCH” presentation more extensively.  We felt if we were to earn a well deserved grade by CEO Chet Amagaan, we needed to put in some extra work.  Here we designed and came up with a pamphlet idea, an ATI logo and a couple of catch phrases that might be used as a branding campaign in the near future.

-       September 30, 2008 was the 9th day we met as a group.  This is when we started to go through and fine tune our paper assignment that is also apart of the “PITCH” presentation as well.  This process was a lot harder than we thought.  But we were able to get through the 2.5 hours while accomplishing a great deal of work.  One of the main accomplishments was the finalization of our “Action Training Weekend.”  We as a group decided on all aspects for the weekend, and felt that everything we came up with would be successful to Action Training Incorporated and to CEO Chet Amagaan.

-       October 5, 2008 was the 10th day we met as a group.  This was a day where we chose to come in and do some extra work as a group and then assign presentation parts amongst each other.  We are going into the presentation of the “PITCH” to CEO Chet Amagaan very excited and confident.  We feel that if we are confident with our training program that we will undoubtedly overwhelm Consultant/Liaison Lee McGaan and CEO Chet Amagaan.

-       October 21, 2008 was the 11th day we met as a group.  At this particular meeting we had a couple of absences as listed above.  During this time the Action Training Incorporated group simply analyzed their presentation in depth, and focused on what tasks needed to be improved for acceptance into the Monmouth Consulting Institution.

-       October 28, 2008 was the 12th, day we met as a group.  This was a session where we as a group decided that we would drop our written paper grade from the “PITCH” presentation and keep our oral grade from the “PITCH” presentation.  During the 2.25 hour meeting we all put in extra work and corrected multiple sections of our paper, with the assistance of Consultant Lee McGaan.  We were able to finish our first training module as well.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

-       To further our bibliography

-       Keep finalizing or next presentation to CEO Chet Amagaan

-       Finish Training Module 2 and 3

-       Finish internet sources created by Action Training Incorporated


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork Quality and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

-       Strengths: very cohesive, work well to get past group barriers, open minded, ability to multi-task in and out of the classroom

-       Weakness: communication outside of class, focus during meetings (like to discuss too many tasks at once)


Submitted by:  __DeMarkco Butler, Action Training Inc, Consultant and Liaison________________