“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team Work Contract

“The Alliance



We, the people of The Alliance agree to abide by this contract as stated below.


We believe that each member of the group should be a leader. Therefore, members of our team will share the leadership role. We will work towards our group goals as a collective unit. Each member of the group shall be encouraged to share their opinions and ideas with all other members of the alliance. A two-thirds majority vote will be used for our decisions.


We as The Alliance expect all members to openly discuss any problems or conflicts that arise. Frustrations and complaints shall be heard in meetings. The beginning of all meetings will be set aside for the aforementioned concerns. 


If a member of The Alliance is not performing adequately or is not abiding by the aforementioned rules then we will implement a three way prognosis. First the member of the team will be talked to about the problem then second they will be given a warning, and third they will be brought to Chet.


If any member of the team is going to be absent they are responsible for contacting the other members of the group either through email or by phone.  Valid absence excuses will be medical emergencies, family emergencies or any other excuses deemed legitimate by the team.


Conditions that lead to a member of The Alliance being removed include repeat absences, failure to participate in meetings and/or complete assigned tasks.



Hannah DeBoer



Nishant Dixit



Taran Jozefiak



Ashley Orloff