“Quality Communication Consultations”

Consulting Team # 3 Report Form

Report #  7  .

Team Name:        C.E.M.                                 Report Date:   November 14, 2008.

Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:        November 11, 2008                            

Member Absences:               None                     


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:  This week we reviewed our modules, tactics we are using during the training module example, reviewed the process of what our evaluations will be like and also delegated task to be done by the next meeting.

Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:  review session module, parliamentary procedure module, all correction to other modules reviewed by Chet (all done by Sunday)

Our Assessment of Our Teamwork Quality and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):  Teamwork and progress seem to be keeping up to date and staying ahead of task to reassure enough time for training module date, each member is staying on task with modules and adjusting accordingly to every revision for modules also.

Submitted by
:  __Maggie Scudella