“Quality Communication Consultations”


“HTLM Consulting”


Team Work Contract

Team 4:   Hilary Blahnik, Tayja Foutz, Matt Tye, Lynsay Ryan


 “Interviewing Skills for Job Applicants”



In signing the contract below, each individual team member agrees to the stipulations and guidelines herein.  The contract shall be binding from the date of signing through the end of the fall semester of 2008.


l        Lynsay Ryan will be the formal leader of the group.  Her duties and responsibilities include the following:


1.      Complete weekly reports and return them to Chet Amagan before the deadline.

2.      Ensure that all work is completed and submitted in a timely fashion

3.      Keep the team focused and on track with their duties.

4.      Remind team members of their duties and enforce member deadlines.

l        If a team member has a concern or complaint, he or she will express his or herself at the group meeting and an executable solution will be discussed. Issues are not to be discussed outside of the group meetings.  The first ten minutes of each group meeting will be used to express concerns. 

l        Team members will meet every Tuesday in lab. Extra meetings will be scheduled on a need-basis. They will be held Thursday from 8 to 9 pm in library.  It is the responsibility of each individual team member to notify all team members of any future absences.  All team members are expected to be notified at least twenty-four hours in advance if a team member will not be in attendance.  The following excuses are legitimate and will be  considered as an excused absence.  

1.      Previous Engagement

2.      Illness

3.      Family Emergency

l        A team member will not be immediately released from the team after a first offense.  The process of removing a member from the team will be completed through Chet Amagan.  A team member may be released if he or she commits one of the following misdemeanors:

1.      The team member is not doing his or her share of the work as dictated by the team leader.

2.      More than two unexcused absences for team meetings

3.      Miss one major deadline.

l        If a member of the group is not efficiently completing his or her tasks, the group will come together with that member and discuss the problem.  If there is a legitimate reason that the team member cannot complete his or her work, all team members will help him or her finish his or her tasks.

I, _____________________ have read and understand all of the above agreements.  I hereby agree to follow the regulations and understand that if I violate the agreement I am subject to termination.