“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team $Money$

Training Program Description

Amanda Boonstra, Briana Flynn, Owen Russell, Jake Schemerhorn


The Three W’s


Who: The individuals that will benefit from our training session are human resource managers in the retail business. These people will voluntarily attend our training session with the want to improve the interviewing abilities. Team $Money$ is also willing to expand in the future to human resource managers in other departments.


What: The skills and concepts applied in our training session include; evaluating resumes, informing trainees what questions are appropriate to ask during the interview, informing trainees the appropriate etiquette that is professional and business-like, developing clear and concise questions that will lead to a more effective outcome for the company, and discover which personalities will work best within the company.


Where: Team $Money$ will begin looking for clients in the local retail business industry. In the future, we plan on covering more ground by expanding to the Chicago area. We want human resource managers to take advantage of this opportunity to help each company become more successful.