“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team $Money$

Interviewing Essentials for Employers

Amanda Boonstra, Briana Flynn, Owen Russell, Jake Schemerhorn

Program Objectives:


  1. By the end of our training session, the trainees will be able to comprehend which questions are appropriate to ask during the interviewing process.
  2. By the end of our training session, trainees will be able to analyze and evaluate resumes to determine who the best fit is for the company.
  3. The trainees will have a better understanding of a professional business and appropriate behavior by the end of our training program
  4. At the conclusion of our training session, trainees will be able to develop clear and precise questions that will lead to a more effective outcome for the company.
  5. Our trainees will be able to synthesize which personality will fit best within the company.
  6. By the end of our training program, trainees will have the skills to be proactive in order to protect the company from a tarnished reputation and litigation.
  7. By the end of our training session, trainees will be able to evaluate personalities that will work well with other employees throughout the company.
  8. By the end of our training session, trainees will be able to cover the proper criteria in a timely manner.
  9. By the end of our training session, trainees will be able to identify talents and skills that will positively benefit the company.