“Quality Communication Consultations”


KJKM Leadership Consultants

“Creating Leaders for the Future”



Team 3 Work Contract


By signing this contract, each group member agrees to the stipulations and guidelines herein. The contract shall be binding from the date of signing through the end of the fall semester 2009. Any member who does not adhere to this contract will be dismissed from the group.


I. Kaile Schreiner will be the formal leader of the group. Her duties include the following:

A.      Creating deadlines for different parts of the program to ensure that the program is completed and ready on the date Chet assigns.

B.      Making sure that every group member stays on tasks and gets their required parts of the program completed on time.

C.      Delegating tasks to group members.

D.     Enforcing member duties and deadlines.


II. Group member duties include, but are not limited to, the following

A.      Informing the leader when a task is completed.

B.      Completing all tasks assigned to him/her by the leader.

C.      Helping other members who are in need of assistance.


III. Kevin Thomas will be the group’s liaison to Chet Amagan and his duties will include the following:

A.      Keeping Chet updated on group progress by completing the weekly team reports.