“Quality Communication Consultations”


Snap: Student Networking and Placement        





Team #4: Jessie Howes, Luke Reschke, Aaron Daverin, Shawn Allen, Marinte Smit


·         All team members will attend planned team meetings and be on time

o   Team members will meet every Tuesday during lab time from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M

o   We will also have team meetings every Monday at 8:15 P.M. in Bowers Hall Lounge

o   Extra meetings outside of class work time and Mondays will be scheduled by the team and also depend on assignments and when they are due

·         If a team member needs to miss a meeting, they can contact another team member by either phone or email

o   Valid excuses for missing meetings include funerals, serious illness, or previous engagement

·         All team members will bring materials and be prepared for meetings

·         Our team will not have a set leader, but we will divide the research up evenly and everyone is expected to pull their weight

o   All team members will make any decisions together and work on assignments together

o   If a team member fails contribute evenly, or fail to show up to meetings without a valid excuse, they will be responsible for doing extra research

o   If it happens more than twice, that team member will be reported to Chet and possibly be
removed from the group

·         During team meetings we will set goals and work together to accomplish them

o   This includes completing assignments given by Professor McGaan or Chet

o   We will respect one another’s ideas and contributions to the team

·         If there is a conflict or disagreement within the team, members need to confront the rest of the team about it and explain their reasoning behind the conflict or disagreement

o   In order to solve the conflict or disagreement, the team will talk it over and then have a majority vote


Jessie Howes                                                  

Aaron Daverin

Shawn Allen
Luke Reschke
Marinte Smit