Fall 2001 - McGaan

last updated 8/15/2001 


Course Description:  A practice-oriented introduction to forms and principles of communication including personal, group, and public communication.  [ syllabus ]



Dr. Lee McGaan Office:  WH 308  (ph. 2155)
email: Home: 418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 734-5431)
Office hours:  MWF - 11am- noon;
                                WF - 2- 3pm;   
TTh - 11am- noon & 2-3pm --  & by appointment


Required Text:   Introduction to Communication, 8th ed. (for CATA 101).                              J. Pearson and P. Nelson.  Primus/McGraw-Hill, 2001  [ IC ]

Electronic "Handouts" found on (this) McGaan CATA 101 Website
  & by e-mail delivery


Course Goals:  The goals of this course include the following:

  1. to provide students with a general framework for understanding and practicing human communication;

  2. to introduce students to the variety of forms and purposes of communication and language in various contexts;


  4. to increase student rhetorical sensitivity sensitivity through appropriate and effective design and adaptation of messages based on audience analysis;

  5. To develop student critical thinking and listening skills; · 

  6. To demonstrate basic skills in listening, outlining, using verbal and visual supporting materials, language use, nonverbal cues, and other components of effective public speaking; · 

  7. To demonstrate basic skills in researching and evaluating information.


Course Policies:  Students are responsible for all assigned reading material whether or not it is discussed in class and all lecture material whether or not duplicated by readings.  Thus, class attendance is expected and frequent unexcused absences may result in the student being placed on "no cuts" by the instructor.  On days when in‑class activities are scheduled (e.g. speeches, group discussions) attendance is required of all students.  Grade deductions as appropriate may be made for unexcused absences.  During speech rounds our schedule is VERY tight; therefore, you must be prompt and prepared on those days.  Even excused absences may not result in "make‑ups" on those days.  Except for medical or other emergency reasons, assignments will not necessarily be accepted late unless advance arrangements are made.  Severe penalties may be imposed for missed assignments. 


ACADEMIC DISHONESTY CAN RESULT IN FAILING THIS COURSE and will be reported to the Academic Dean.  Enrollment in this course constitutes agreement by the student that the instructor may keep on file a copy of any assignments submitted


Speech Rehearsals:  On the afternoon or evening before you are scheduled to present a speech in class you will have an appointment with a Speech Assistant for a "rehearsal/tutorial" session.  At this 15 minute session you will receive advice from a top, experienced student who has "been through it before."  These rehearsals are required and grades will be lowered for those who miss rehearsal without an excuse.


Graded Assignments

Message Analysis Paper 10% 3 Outlines (3+% each) 10%
Audience Analysis Project 10% Final Exam/Presentation 15%
Mid-term Exam 15%  Attendance/quizzes  5%
2 Informative Speeches (10% each) 20% 1 Persuasive Speech 15%


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